Sunday, October 24, 2010

Big Daddy

As the pastor of Bible Fellowship Church, my husband Werner had decided he would pursue the hobby of raising chickens. Being in a rural setting, surrounded by forest, we had the ideal location. Roosters crowing during Sunday morning worship service didn't seem to be a huge problem. There was a problem developing however, with having several roosters in the same coop. "Big Daddy" was becoming quite ornery, attacking Werner as he tried to feed the chickens and gather eggs.This rooster was definitely Lord of his domain, jealously guarding his hens from all intruders! So Werner decided to do away with him....or whatever chicken ranchers call it when they thin out their rooster population. (Warning...the story now describes several scenes of violence...reader discretion is advised) Taking him out behind the coop, he quickly and efficiently wrung the bird's neck, disposing of the body in a shallow grave far out in the woods. . Coming into the house my Pastor-cum-Farmer husband told me the problem was now solved. Peace now reigned in the hen-house.
The next morning we arose to the crowing of the newly appointed chief rooster, and Werner went out to tend the flock....feathered, that is. When he entered the enclosure, there, to his horrified surprise, stood Big Daddy....his once proud head hanging limply to one side, trying feebly to crow and reclaim his territory. With sheer determination he had clawed his way out of his grave, and found his way back to his hens. Needless to say, we put him out of his misery properly this time with a sharp axe.....and buried him deep. There must be a great sermon illustration here, but I have yet to hear it.

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